News — Larceny
Fenton, MO - PlateWatch® PlateWatch® Captures Larceny Suspects Using Third-Party LPR Technology
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PlateWatch® Captures Larceny Suspects Using Third-Party LPR TechnologyImagine you're in bed when a car slowly drives by scoping out vehicles and homes in your neighborhood. A few seconds later, a text alert pops up on your phone alerting you that there is an unknown/suspicious vehicle on your street. This is what happened to a Fenton, Missouri PlateWatch® user on April 13, 2022. The homeowner was laying in bed as the suspicious vehicle drove by. A clear image of the out-of-state license plate was captured by the PlateWatch® mailbox assembly, then automatically uploaded to a third-party LPR cloud service, Rekor Scout™. In...
- Tags: Larceny, PlateWatch LLC, PlateWatch®